Warm Up:
7 Minute AMRAP:
80 Single Under
8 Scapula Push Ups
10m Plank Walk
20/20 sec. Couch Stretch
30 sec. Thoracic Extension
Upper Body
A: 1 Max. Set of Strict HSPU / Pike Push Ups
B: EMOM x 6:
1: 30-40% of Strict HSPU / Pike Push Ups
2: 35 sec. Max Reps: Strict High Pulls
3: 30 sec. Arch Hold
WoD: „Saturday Chipper“
Buy In: 200 Single Under OR 100 Double Under
Directly into:
80 Air Squats
70 Sit Ups
60 Odd Object Swings
50 Goblet Thruster
40 Hand Release Burpees
30 V-Ups / Knees to Elbow
20 Handstand Push Ups OR Pike Push Ups
10 Odd Object Devil’s Presses
Weekly Challenge: Accumulate 2:00 Minutes of Arch Hold
every time you drop perform 5 Reverse Snow Angels