Training für Zuhause am 12.04.2021

Warm Up:
6 Minute AMRAP:

8 Knees to Elbow
6 Inch Worms
10 Kang Squats
20 sec. Arch Hold

Strength (Lower Body)

3 Super-Sets of:
12 Alt. Odd Object Front Rack Lunges
16 Alt. Odd Object Front Rack Reverse Lunges
12 Tempo Good Mornings

Into Max. Effort: Hollow Hold
– rest as needed between sets

WOD EMOM x 12 Minutes: (work for 50 sec. / rest 10 sec.)

1.: Odd Object Front Squats
2.: Odd Object Hang Clean & Jerk
3.: Weighted Knees to Elbow

Weekly Challenge:
Max Effort: Max Reps Push Ups without breathing